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Boek: Socratic Design, Hoe wij zelf het bestaan ontwerpen
‘Socratic Design stelt de fundamentele vragen: Welke wereld houd je voor mogelijk? Wat is je mensbeeld? Waar optimaliseer je voor?
22/05/2022 -
Podcast: Fief in gesprek met Humberto Schwab
Door jezelf te onderzoeken verander je de wereld.
Een prettig gesprek met Humberto Schwab: schrijver van het boek ‘Socratic Design’. Een pragmatische filosofische methode om de vaak onbewuste vooronderstellingen die ons denken beïnvloeden, bewust en helder te maken.22/05/2022 -
ChangeX Philosophy: Humberto Schwab, CEO Socratic Design Academy
Humberto Schwab – CEO, Socratic Design Academy. Well-Being in the 2020s. When you don’t know what you think you think. Getting out of the loopholes we all find ourselves in
22/05/2022 -
New technologies demand diversity in our thinking – Woman in Technology
Humberto Schwab & Woman in tech Turkey making a new narrative for woman in technology! Not just diversity in gender but most importantly diversity in our thinking! Let’s create new technology that does not reproduce old concepts of man and woman!
03/05/2020 -
The fallacy concerning our ego: A comment on Sam Harris by Humberto Schwab
This video was originally posted on the Channel of First Congregational Church of LA To change or innovate, we need to know our current reality. But that what we call reality is…03/05/2020 -
Humberto’s introduction to “On Dialogue” by David Bohm
This text is a gift with an incentive, it is a real game-changer. David Böhm gives us hints that help us to give meaning to current contradictions between social crisis and technological utopias plus everything surrounding that, and he creates an appetite for the philosophical quest for the hidden assumption. Much of the knowledge in this book is directly applicable to your self.
03/05/2020 -
Essay: Appreciating the public self
This essay is a plea for the awareness of the collective interior. Humberto Schwab analyses how tradition and collective concepts form the architecture of our experience. Collective wisdom, what was formerly known as the soul, gives direction to our interior. Now that religion is something of the past – for most people in the West-, we need to organize our collective soul ourselves.
26/11/2018 -
Humberto Schwab op Maçonniek Symposium · Transitie in de tijd
De zo voelbare transitie in de tijd en de vele daaraan gerelateerde vragen en mogelijke benaderingen zullen centraal staan tijdens een uniek Maçonniek Symposium. Daarbij hoort zeker de vraag hoe wij een balans kunnen blijven vinden tussen de waardevolle elementen van onze tradities enerzijds en nieuwe ontwikkelingen en innovaties anderzijds.
25/11/2018 -
Design your habits
Many of us have habits that work entirely against our purposes and intentions. In this article, Humberto Schwab offers his view on how we can understand these habits; and how we can design and incorporate habits that are in alignment with our values.
12/09/2018 -
Humberto Schwab – JustPeace festival
In this peace monologue, Humberto Schwab who is highly renowned for innovating the way we think motivates you to make peace in your own mind. An interesting update on world peace, politics and our personal contribution to it.
12/09/2018 -
The 9 steps of Socratic Design™
In this article, we follow the stages of the Socratic Design process, In which a group passes through a self-disruptive process of transformation, to finally design a new narrative.
14/06/2018 -
Exponential Humanity – A comment on Singularity
In a book Presentation of the book On Dialogue by David Bohm, Humberto offers an #ExponentialHuman approach to some of societies problems. By doing so he confronts us with some philosophical fallacies of our time.
09/06/2018 -
The Learning Tribe – A New Grammar School
The Socratic Design Academy is offered the opportunity to create a whole new learning environment for kids and their parents. We will start the grammar school as a small-scale pilot in the Netherlands 2018.
09/06/2018 -
Essay: How to organize learning?
How to prepare our children for an uncertain future? This essay by Humberto Schwab is a critical note on our educational system and a proposal for how to organize learning differently.
07/05/2018 -
How personal and capital growth are related
A talk about the key questions on personal and capital growth, by Humberto Schwab, the in-house philosopher @ Venture Café Rotterdam.
07/04/2018 -
The fallacies in our system of thoughts and feelings
This article by Humberto Schwab is a reflection on one of the philosophical pillars of the Socratic Design method; the book On Dialogue of David Bohm. It presents a hint on how to cope with current challenges, concerning our selves, our communities, and our planet.
24/03/2018 -
Enhanced humanity in a disrupted future
What is artificial intelligence? Should we not first carefully assess what intelligence is? Do we have an adequate model or do we miss important aspects of our vision on humans? Humberto Schwab in Venture Café Rotterdam
25/02/2018 -
Canay Atalay about Socratic Design at Business Analysis Conference
Canay Atalay, co-founder of human works design, talking on Socratic Design and Conscious Business Model Design and Innovation, at the Business Analysis Conference, Istanbul, December 2017.
17/01/2018 -
From dopamine to serotonin
We are obsessed with the pursuit of happiness, but overall the level of happiness doesn’t seem to increase. On the contrary, we face epidemic burnout, problems with addiction, obesity, etc. Was the declaration of the pursuit of happiness based on wrong assumptions?
16/01/2018 -
The assumption in your company
Assumptions are the hidden thoughts, principles, values or feelings that are the feeding ground for all the actions of your company. They can be an answer to the hidden burden of your company, or they can contain the promising future strategy.
15/01/2018 -
How to overcome industrial thinking
How can practical philosophy (Socratic Design) help to make sense out of all the ruptures we are facing? How to find a meaningful strategy in this era of singularity and digital promises and threats.
08/01/2018 -
The future of Cern – an interview with Sergio Bertolucci
An interview with Dr. Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Computing, CERN moderated by Humberto Schwab, Philosopher, Physicist.
01/01/2018 -
Socratic Design – Enlightening the dark matter
Canay Atalay’s journey of enlightening the dark matter within companies using Socratic Design. Purpose of philosophy is to articulate the real problems that exist, but have not yet been articulated.
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