Learn about Socratic Design™

Generate new purposes in your life, company, NGO, businesses, or government. The result is a reinvention of yourself, a new strategy of the company, or a completely new culture that fits the new purposes and values of your organization.

Become a Socratic Moderator

Unleash participating consciousness and collective attention. Transform any group of people into a collective intelligence. Learn to moderate Socratic Dialogue in the disciplined method of the Socratic Design Academy.

VIP Training

With philosophical resources, you profoundly research your own narrative. In this training you design a new narrative with impact on yourself, your environment (business) and even on your culture.

For business

Transform your company from within by unleashing the power of collective intelligence.

For learning environments

Transform from educational institute to a learning organism.

For Governance

Govern with the power of collective intelligence.


Tailor-made to the client’s needs, always with the characteristic of collective awareness.


Dynamise on sharp targets for products, services, strategy, communication, and culture.


Profound change always comes from a fresh insight provoked by a good question.

Conferences & Seminars

Create collective attention on all scale, to produce new meaning.

Curious what our services
can mean for you?